Since partnering with Kelkoo Group in May 2020, Laatukoru have seen their Traffic increase by 71% and a CPC reduction of 16%. With a close partnership, we worked together to make sure the switch was comfortable and the CSS Bidding Advantage could be clearly measured in the account.
The Finnish jewellery merchant have 13 stores while the online presence has grown dramatically since last year’s launch of Google Shopping. Selling everything from Wedding Rings to Bracelets and Watches, Laatukoru stock well-known brands like TAG Heuer, Gucci and Tissot.
Henri Silván, Ecommerce Manager.
“The Kelkoo PPC Growth Specialists will help you to get the best performance out of this bidding advantage and will make sure that it serves your goals.”

We’ve seen many cases of merchants in Finland generating strong results using an alternative CSS to access Google Shopping Ads.
Furthermore, as a Google CSS Premium Partner, we have access to a large amount of Google’s data that our PPC Growth Specialists will leverage for you and transform into actionable. Wherever you’ll find Google Shopping Ads in the EU, Kelkoo Group will be there to help you improve your performance.
Kelkoo Group has been a leading player in Google’s CSS space since the start and our results with Laatukoru are not a one off. If your brand is looking to grow in 2020 and beyond then get in touch as the CSS Bidding Advantage is a great tool for helping you reach your targets whilst also reducing your CPC so you can re-invest in Google Shopping or other channels.
Looking to retain full control of your Google Shopping Ads campaign? If you want to keep full control of your Google Shopping Ads management, we can provide you with a self-service access to Shopping Ads. Partnering with us will provide you with 20% bidding advantage on your campaigns as well as comprehensive technical and business intelligence support to help you make the most out of your ads placement. Find out more about our Shopping Ads solution here.