
How to drive e-commerce sales

Posted on December 9, 2019

As a retailer you are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to increase ecommerce sales. Whether you are a well-established business or a small start-up, if you are looking to increase traffic to your ecommerce store there are a variety of ways you can ensure that sales remain high during Q4 and beyond. In our latest Kelkoo guide, we explain how to drive ecommerce sales to your online store, stopping cart abandonment in its tracks and keeping your customers coming back for more.

Get to know your customer

Understanding who your customer is and what they are looking for is a major factor and it’s crucial to make sure your product range is on point. Your campaigns won’t be effective if you’re marketing the wrong products. Before designing any campaigns take a look at your site’s historical data to figure out which products were the highest performing this time last year to help determine which products you should be pushing to drive ecommerce sales.

Your campaigns shouldn’t just be about getting your target consumers to buy; you should also make it a point to offer a benefit to your customers. Find ways to become a helpful resource for your customers, offering incentives to build a stronger connection with your shoppers and keep them coming back for more. Engage with your customer base to build a loyal following.

Slow speed slows conversion

Speed is key when it comes to exploring how to get traffic to your ecommerce store. Ensure your shopping and checkout pages are fully optimised for mobile and running at full speed; shoppers are temperamental and slow page speeds could lead to cart abandonment or worse, shopping with a competitor. So, what’s the quickest way to reduce your sites load time in preparation for the busy period? Enabling compression or using an external compression tool is the easiest way to ensure your site is running smoothly, for those operating in CSS and HTML formats this tool eliminates white space and repeated code throughout the sites body, the smaller the files, the faster the load time.

Push your promotions

The majority of retailers will be offering promotions and discounts during peak sales periods, so you need to stand out from your competition. Get creative and think about extra ways to entice an extra purchase such as creating bundle offers or recommending personalised products at the checkout and on product pages.

Ensure you’re using every channel at your disposal to get the word out – social media, ads and influencer marketing will all be at an all-time high this season so be sure to up your online presence and don’t underestimate the power of a good email campaign.

Be sure to display your discounts clearly on your homepage, or consider adding a countdown banner to your site to ignite your consumers fear of missing out, building excitement amongst your shoppers.

Review your checkout process

A seamless and straightforward checkout process is the key aspect of every consumers purchase journey online, and with recent studies putting the average cart abandonment rate at 69.5% (Statista), it’s important to streamline your checkout process to drive ecommerce sales. We’ve found the most effective methods include implementing a one-page checkout system with clear and easy to follow instructions. Another thing to consider is to remove any unnecessary consumer distractions on the checkout page, including things such as a promo code field and promotional headers and footers, keeping their full attention on the completing the transaction.

Pushing your promotions and ensuring a seamless shopping experience, and checkout process, will help you to increase traffic to your e-commerce store in little to no time. Kelkoo Group has 20 years’ experience in e-commerce, digital advertising and consumer analytics. We can support your entire campaign, from set up through to tracking sales and conversion data to help you get the results your online store needs to succeed. Feel free to get in touch to find out more about how our product portfolio can drive quality traffic to your online store and improve your online presence.

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