This year’s back-to-school will be like no other. We’ve done our homework and put together a cheat sheet to ensure your e-commerce business has all it needs to benefit from this lucrative sales period.
Safety first, scissors second
It’s no surprise that we are seeing a massive increase in the keywords ‘safe’ and ‘safety’ but what effect will this have on back-to-school shoppers? The influence of COVID-19 is evident in the products that have made their way onto this year’s essential supply list; with hand sanitisers, face masks and disinfectant wipes all taking priority over book bags and lunch boxes.
Another big trend rising through the ranks is home office supplies; 13% of back-to-school shoppers are planning to buy laptops, tablets or printers and five percent plan on investing in desks or computer chairs for their children, according to recent surveys by Numerator. Sales of these products will likely overtake current estimates if e-learning soars so it’s vital for e-merchants to prepare and scale up supply.
Pester power gets an F
One thing we know for sure is that consumers shopping habits will somewhat differ from previous years; for many the key difference will be buying online. Whether consumers are getting their items delivered or using click-and-collect services, we will definitely see brick-and-mortar trade declining post pandemic.
Nearly a third of people stated they would not be taking their children on in-store shopping trips – meaning stores are likely to see a drastic impact on their products and marketing designed to capture the attention of kids. Now is the time to up your online marketing, think outside the (lunch) box and design your campaigns with children in mind.
Jump on the school bus
Although the pandemic has seen spending cutbacks throughout Europe, 82% of shoppers said they plan to spend the same amount as last year on back-to-school products, meaning this is an e-commerce opportunity not to be missed.
With shopping trends and consumer behaviour changing so quickly, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what back-to-school will look like this year. To optimise your PPC campaigns, visit our website to find out more about a partnership with Kelkoo Group.

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