Muebles Bonitos is a Spanish furniture retailer with showrooms in Madrid and Alicante and a popular retail website. The company has an extensive 1500 offers catalogue, with a range of beds and living room furniture. The Spanish team is based out of Alicante, with additional branches in France: Design Ameublement and Italy: Letti e Mobili.
Prior to switching to Kelkoo Group, the company were working with a digital marketing agency but were unhappy about their overall performance online. The company was directly working with Kelkoo Group on their affiliate marketing offers.
Kelkoo Group created Muebles Bonitos a Google Shopping campaign using our Kelkoo CSS, increasing their chance of receiving quality traffic for their online store. After working on the feed and defining product groups, Kelkoo worked to apply a bidding strategy according to the margin of each product.

After 3 months of positive results, delivering a higher ROI than expected, the furniture retailer decided to let us manage their shopping campaigns for their French and Italian websites.
Elmar Bergans, CEO:
“Performances improved a lot since Kelkoo is driving our campaign. We appreciate the attention and support we receive from both the commercial and technical sides.”
Kelkoo Group provides a range of solutions to help merchants drive increased quality traffic to their online store, with the added benefit of having over 20 years’ experience in the e-commerce landscape. Our Google Shopping Ads by Kelkoo Group ensures that you keep the same set up and analytics in your existing Google accounts, while ensuring you benefit from a bidding advantage at auction.
Contact us today and talk to one of our experienced PPC team members to help you start saving.