IWOOT, a leading global brand in Gifts and Toys and part of The Hut Group, were looking to become a bigger player in the ultra-competitive Christmas jumper market.
After a strong Q4 in 2018, IWOOT beefed up their range to include more options and sizes; Kelkoo Group worked with IWOOT identifying Feed Optimisations which would boost Traffic whilst maintaining a healthy ROAS. Kelkoo Group and IWOOT worked closely together in terms of communicating key launch dates and we used resources such as last year’s search queries and Google Trends to identify growing “Christmas Jumper” trends and opportunities.

The results were tremendous. Through Feed Optimisation, Kelkoo Group were able to demonstrate the importance of specific feed attributes during key seasonal trading periods.
“We saw an overall sales uplift of 68% with CPC down 12% and ROAS up 16%. The test was successful and I’m really pleased with the results, it has proved that Feed Optimisation matters more than I expected and I’m definitely keen to see if we can implement similar changes for other trends and gifting holidays”.
–Merel van Steen, PPC Manager at IWOOT
If you saw underwhelming performance during Black Friday and Christmas then we can help you reach your potential. Through careful Feed Optimisation on top of the CSS bidding advantage, we can deliver and action bespoke recommendations across all categories and 26 territories.