Buckle up – Black Friday is back
2022’s fourth quarter has crept up on us, which means the busiest week in the retail calendar is just around the corner. Friday 25th November should be marked in every retailers calendar as the biggest shopping event of the year. We’ve got some tips for you to help maximise your sales, so get ready, Black Friday is back.
Mailing list mark downs
Kick off your promotions with your mailing list. Why not include an exclusive discount code in your Black Friday communications that can be used with any discounts already on your site. This call to action has an extra incentive, and rewards customer loyalty to your brand. It’s a win-win. Personalising your email with your customers name increases open rates by 41.8% in consumer products & services too.
Start getting social
Social media platforms are little markets themselves. It feels like new tools appear every week to help you convert social stalkers to shop-walkers. Instagram allows you to tag products directly on posts, sending viewers straight to the product on your site. The countdown feature is also effective in creating hype, such as the start of discounts. Click through rates can increase by up to 30% if a countdown timer is used correctly.
Combatting cost of living
The Bank of England has declared that the UK is facing its longest recession since records began. Europe and The United States are facing similar issues so it’s no surprise that this year 50% of consumers will be cutting back on Christmas spending across the board, so ‘useful’ gifts will be on everyone’s shopping lists. Small but fun appliances – think waffle makers, Bluetooth speakers, hair tools – improve our quality of life, and give you better bang for your buck. Items such as air fryers and hot water bottles are already being used to keep fuel bills lower, so consider promoting these too.
Despite the push for the practical present, treats will still remain best sellers. Everyone loves self-care items like candles, massage vouchers or alcoholic gift sets, so put those in-demand categories on your landing page for the greatest exposure and improve your chances to convert your leads.
Don’t miss Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday is a rising star on the Q4 stage. Born in 2005, over $10 billion was spent on Cyber Monday in 2021, one billion more than Black Friday the same year. Deals often start well before Black Friday and continue into the weekend, meaning the two shopping holidays sometimes seem blurred. Create distinction between the two by adding new deals to products not already discounted, or by promoting different categories. The two holidays create the perfect e-commerce storm, so it’s time to invest in more advertising to help you further your reach.
Get in touch for support with Google Shopping Ads, PPC campaigns or reaching a wider audience. Kelkoo Group provides consultancy or full management for over 10,000 merchants who acquire qualified and targeted shopping leads using our specialised shopping network.