IBS.it and laFeltrinelli, are leading book retailers in the Italian market, offering a large product range that is accessible to keen readers both on and offline. The much-loved brands wanted to create a multi-brand e-commerce editorial offering, one of the first of its kind to launch on the Italian market, and partnered with Kelkoo Group in late 2018.
As soon as they made the switch, IBS.it and laFeltrinelli were able to retain their original Google Ad and Merchant centre accounts, while benefiting from the 20% CPC advantage on their Google Shopping campaigns. However, it was the average ROAS from both accounts that saw a marked improvement for the book retailers.

After initially switching a few categories at a time to Kelkoo Group, the results truly speak for themselves, offering major savings in their Cost per Click and average ROAS passing from 900% to 1000%.
During the first three months of activity La Feltrinelli & IBS saw the below CPC savings per category:

Christian Barba, Digital marketing and eCommerce Manager:
“Kelkoo Group CSS helped us fully reaching our goals and objectives, and we are very happy of the collaboration and the work done so far.”
Kelkoo Group provides a range of solutions to help merchants drive increased quality traffic to their online store, with the added benefit of having over 20 years’ experience in the e-commerce landscape. Our Google Shopping Ads by Kelkoo Group ensures that you keep the same set up and analytics in your existing Google accounts, while ensuring you benefit from a 20% bidding advantage at auction.
Contact us today and talk to one of our experienced PPC team members to help you start saving.